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created at: 17 October 2019 (modified at: 23 October 2019)

watch box

by jeroen

The ‘Watch Box’ project

My first project.. A bit excited.


Currently, I have three watches.
Why? Because I like a new watch now and then apparently :blush:



I was going through some instructions on instructables till I came across the term ‘living hinge’.
An example of such a living hinge can be found at
You cut your material in such a way that the material itself is ‘weak’ enough to bend but not to break.

But, apparently, even though it looks nice, it breaks quite easily as well. So.. normal hinge it is? Better safe than sorry maybe.. Kudos to Licia.

Currently, I’m interested in the appraoch of liquidhandwash in the 128 laser cut boxes design I like the fact that you don’t have this super obvious hinge at the back ( example of such a hinge )

Sturdy bottom of the box

Da3da1u5 describes in his Laser Cut Box post on instructables how one can create a more sturdy bottom that can carry more weight.

I was not able to import the PDF/AI file in my inkscape application (because I’m using Linux?) so I used the Bezier tool to draw a path alongside the original lines.

This is what it looks like right now

jingelski logo

Laser Cut extensions for Inkscape?

Indeed, say wut?
Apparently, there exist box maker plugins for inkscape.
Thank God I didn’t put too much time yet in drawing these lines myself.

Box division [SOLVED]

I almost forgot but of course, having a box to put something in to keep it safe that’s one thing but the stuff inside the box is not supposed to damage the rest of the contents as well.
Hence the necessity of intersections in the box.

S**t.. this is blocking me. I dont want to have glue smudges at the bottom of the box.
One way to ‘solve’ this would be to have one big box and several smaller containers (read: boxes) inside.

Cardinality watch - container would be: 1 - 1.

Taking a look at the current (rather simple) design again, it’d make sense to provide holes in both the front and the back of the box. When everything is put in place, you wouldn’t need to glue the divisions to the bottom as they’re already fixated between front and back.

Magnets in the lid

A nice to have for now. I don’t think it’s feasible to integrate magnets in the small border of the planks..
Sticky magnets?

The logo needs to be there. I want to put it at the bottom of the box.

Issue is: there is no logo yet

tags: [maker] [watch] [box]